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Enrolment Form

If you would like to register your child for a place at Thatcham Pre-School you can do so by completing the form below

 There is no such thing as too soon!  You can register your child as early as you wish and they will go onto our waiting list until it is time for them to start. 

Once your Enrolment form has been received it will be reviewed by the Pre-School and you will be contacted as soon as we are able to discuss the next step, which is usually a visit to the Pre-School to arrange your child's settling in sessions and for all the relevant paperwork to be completed in preparation for your child to start.

Any questions or concerns can be discussed during this visit.

A £25 registration fee will be required to secure your child's place at Thatcham Pre-School. This fee will also include a Thatcham Pre-School t-shirt.

Full Name of Child:*

DOB of Child:*

Gender of Child

First Language of child*

Home Address of child including post code*

Name, Email Address and contact number of Parent / Carer 1*

Name, Email Address and contact number of Parent /Carer 2

Details of any Special Educational Need, health problems or concerns regarding your child

Name , Address & Telephone number of your child's doctor*

Fees are currently £6.20 per hour, please indicate if you are in receipt of Government funding

Sessions you require*

Please indicate which sessions you require. Our sessions are; morning session-9 am - 11.30am, Lunch club-11.30am-12.30pm, afternoon session- 12.30pm- 3.00pm. All day sessions are 9am-3pm.

Please tell us when you would like your child to start?

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