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Welcome to Thatcham Pre-School's Policy and procedures page. Here you will find the information about our policies and procedures. These can be clicked and downloaded as a PDF. If you need any further information please contact the Day to Day Manager at

Below is a full list of all our policies and procedures. These are currently being uploaded to the website. If you are looking for something that is not uploaded, please get in contact.


0 Policy and procedures implementation and review policy July 21

0.0 Implementation and review procedure July 21

01 Health and safety policy July 21

01.01 Risk assessment July 21

01.02 Group rooms, stair ways and corridors July 21

01.03 Kitchen July 21

01.04 Children’s bathrooms/changing areas July 21

01.06 Short trips, outings and excursions August 22

01.07 Outdoors July 21

01.08 Staff cloakrooms July 21

01.09 Maintenance and repairs July 21

01.11 Staff personal safety July 21

01.12 Threats and abuse towards staff and volunteers July 21

01.13 Entrances and approach to the building July 21

01.14 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health July 21

01.15 Manual handling July 21

01.16 Festival (and other) decorations July 21

01.17 Jewellery and hair accessories July 21

01.18 Animals and pets August 22

01.19 Face painting and mehndi July 21

01.20 Notifiable incident - non-child protection July 21

01.21 Terrorist threat/attack and lock-down July 21

02 Fire safety policy July 21

02.01 Fire safety July 21

03 Food, safety and nutrition policy July 21

03.01 Food preparation, storage and purchase July 21

03.02 Food for play and cooking activities July 21

03.05 Meeting dietary requirements July 21

04 Health policy July 21

04.01 Accidents and emergency treatment July 21

04.02 Administration of medicine July 21

04.03 Life-saving medication and invasive treatments July 21

04.04 Allergies and food intolerance July 21

04.05 Poorly children Feb 22

04.05a Managing a suspected case of coronavirus September 22

04.05b Infection control September 2022

04.06 Oral health July 21

05 Promoting inclusion, equality and valuing diversity policy July 21

05.01 Promoting inclusion, equality and valuing diversity July 21

06 Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults policy July 21

06.01 Responding to safeguarding or child protection concerns July 21

06.02 Low level concerns allegations of serious harm or abuse against staff and volunteers August 22

06.02a Low level concerns form August 22

06.03 Visitor or intruder on the premises July 21

06.04 Uncollected child July 21

06.05 Missing child July 21

06.06 Incapacitated parent July 21

06.07 Death of a child on-site July 21

06.08 Looked after children July 21

06.09 E-safety July 21

06.10 Key person supervision July 21

07 Record keeping policy July 21

07.01 Children's records and data protection August 22

07.01a Privacy Notice July 21

07.02 Confidentiality, recording and sharing information July 21

07.03 Client access to records July 21

07.04 Transfer of records July 21

08 Staff, volunteers and students policy July 21

08.01 Staff deployment July 21

08.02 Deployment of volunteers and parent helpers July 21

08.03 Student placement July 21

09 Early years practice policy July 21

09.01 Waiting list and admissions July 21

09.01a About our childcare and education August 22

09.01b Application to join July 21

09.01c Childcare and early education registration form July 21

09.01d Childcare and early education terms and conditions July 21

09.02 Absence July 21

09.03 Prime times - The role of the key person July 21

09.04 Prime times - Settling in and transitions July 21

09.05 Establishing children's starting points July 21

09.06 Prime times - Arrivals and departures July 21

09.07 Prime times - Baby and toddler mealtimes July 21

09.08 Prime times - Snack-times and mealtimes (older children) August 2022

09.09 Prime times Intimate care and nappy changing Feb 22

09.10 Prime times - Sleep and rest time July 21

09.11 Managing separation anxiety in children under 2 years old July 21

09.12 Promoting positive behaviour July 21

09.13 Identification, assessment and support for children with SEND July 21

09.13a SEN Support - Initial record of concern form July 21

09.13b SEN Support - Action plan July 21

09.14 Prime times - Transition to school July 21

09.15 Progress check at age two July 21

09.15a Progress check at age two form July 21

10 Working in partnership with parents and other agencies policy July 21

10.01 Working in partnership with parents and other agencies August 22

10.02 Complaints procedure for parents and service users July 21

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